Mundane or Extraordinary Living

Mundane or Extraordinary Living

August 30, 2019
Leap of Faith
Exceptional Living

Did you ever wake up one day and look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Is this what all of my life has come to?” I look around with those I work with, friends with, or those I’ve recently met, and the continuing theme is the same for them – The daily grind: wake up, do my job, go home for dinner, prepare for bed, thrown in some kids sports, sleep, but then do it all again… Is this all life is meant to be? To be mundane, methodical, maddening? I don’t think so…

When I wake up, I pray with a thankful heart each morning that God has given me another day to make a difference, regardless of how mundane or busy my life may appear. My routines may be the same each day, but He’s given me new eyes to look through for chances to spark a conversation with someone who may need a kind word, an encouraging thought, or just a laugh. I could be totally overwhelmed with an overflowing sea of work at my desk, but I love the opportunities that are put in my way when someone stops by my desk just wanting to talk, has a question, or looking for guidance on a project. Although I may appear exhausted when this happens, my heart tells me that it’s what I need and what lifts my day.
We take life for granted and it’s easy to fall into a life of complacency. We do so because we are selfish, self-centered and always wanting more… more money, a larger home, nicer furniture, a Disney vacation. We forget those who need money to eat, a place to live, a bed to sleep on… but for those who dream that a vacation would be nice, food would be nicer. We, however, never really understand what ‘more’ is really needed in our lives. I don’t want to have a mundane, methodical or maddening life. What we need ‘more’ of is a life filled with love, joy and opportunities to spread love and joy to others… We need to decide, do we settle for mundane living or extraordinary living? “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Mark 10:45