
Blog Entries - hardwood floors

Replace vs. Repair Hardwood Floors

Replace vs. Repair Hardwood Floors

Deciding whether you should replace your repair your hardwood floors is a decision that takes a lot of thought. The answer depends on the severity of the damage, the type of damage, the age of the floor, your flooring budget, and the opinion of your trusted flooring professionals.  

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Dining room table and chairs on hardwood floor

How to Maintain Your Hardwood Floor's Finish

Hardwood floors can be the crown jewel of your home. However, if your floors are scratched, peeling, or otherwise losing their finish then what was once an object of beauty can quickly become an eyesore.  

Don’t despair! With a few simple steps, you can protect your floors and keep them looking freshly finished for years to come.  

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Hands installing hardwood flooring

Recognizing When to Refinish vs. Replace Hardwood

March 20, 2023  |  hardwood floors, Replace Flooring

We all love our hardwood floors.  


But in truth, those scratches and gouges seem to catch our eyes more these days than the pristine, natural beauty of the wood.

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A chair on a hardwood floor

How Important Is Flooring When Selling a House?

If you are looking to sell your house, then you know that anything that increases its value is a huge plus. 


Many obvious things add value to a home like a swimming pool, a two-car garage, and other sought-after features.  

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protecting flooring during the holidays

Protecting Your Floors During the Holiday Season

At A Step Above Flooring, we are all about protecting your floors and ensuring they have a long and healthy life.  


Since the holidays represent a threat to the health of your floors and carpet, we assembled a list of tips and tricks to help keep your floors safe during the holidays.  

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dogs walking in the kitchen

Tips for Pet Proofing Your Hardwood Floors

September 19, 2022  |  hardwood floors, Pet Proofing

We love our pets. From snuggly cuddles on cool Saturday mornings to endless hours of chasing toys, our pets are members of our families.  


However, while you may love your cat or dog with all your heart, they can be a menace to your hardwood floors.  

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