Determining The Right Wood For Your Floors

Determining The Right Wood For Your Floors

October 27, 2020  |  Janka Hardness Scale
Janka Hardness Scale

Wood products have exquisite natural beauty and unique effects that tell complex stories. When selecting wood for your cabinetry or flooring, it’s good to understand the level of durability and differences between wood types.

For example, choosing new hardwood floors require a hardwood species that can withstand heavy wear and tear. Your family daily routines are also something to take into consideration during the decision process… Are there any pets that love to run the house and scratch the floors? What about a house full of teenagers? They do grow up and move out, but sometimes they come back… Many factors play a part of what we purchase but knowing how hard a species of hardwood is can make your choice a little simpler.

The Janka Wood Hardness Scale was developed to measure the force necessary to embed an 11.28 mm (.444 in.) steel ball to have its diameter in wood. Using the Janka Wood Hardness Scale can help you determine which species is best suitable for your hardwood floors.

The following image is only a partial list containing some of the most popular hardwood species; however, there are so many varieties to choose from. Use this as a tool to help identify the appropriate choice for you.

For best guidance, speak to a hardwood flooring expert to help guide you in your choice of hardwood that best fits your home, family and daily routines.